Satin Fabrics: Warp and weft yarns are interlaced at least once every three yarns, so the satin arrangement makes the fabric more dense, so the fabric becomes more solid. Satin arrangement products cost more than similar plain and twill arrangements. Satin we*e fabrics are collectively referred to as satin we*e fabrics. 缎纹织物有正反面之分,一个*安排循环内的交错点**少,浮线**长,织物外表简直全由经向或纬向的浮线构成,缎纹织物质地柔软。
Satin fabrics can be either positive or negative. A thorough arrangement has the fewest interlacing points and the longest float. The appearance of satin fabrics is almost entirely co*ed of warp or weft floats. Satin fabrics are soft in substance. The cloth is smooth, delicate and shiny. 平纹织物:用平纹安排(经纱和纬纱每隔一根纱就交错一次)织成的织物叫平纹织物。
Plain we*e: Fabrics woven with plain we*e arrangements (warp and weft yarns interlace once every other yarn) are called plain we*e fabrics. 济南琛琨酒店用品有限公司又名爱德信布草公司(咨询电话 1300657****)是一家以生产酒店布草为主,生产台布、口布、台裙、椅子套为辅,集产品研发,生产和销售为一体的综合性公司。